Александр Вебер

Alexander Weber

Specialist in video surveillance, video analytics, cloud storage systems. Consultant on the integration of video surveillance systems and tools in various business sectors. Over 10 years of industry experience.

Video surveillance via phone: 4 principles of organization

Video surveillance via phone: 4 principles of organization

The high-tech video surveillance market is growing rapidly. However, an average user is interested in wide modern possibilities only at the minimum price. And such a solution exists – video surveillance via phone. Today we will talk about securing your home, family members and business using regular mobile phones with cameras and the Faceter application. […]

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Cloud video surveillance for your store: 9 advantages

Cloud video surveillance for your store: 9 advantages

According to independent research, more than half of the average store’s monthly revenue remains under-received. The reason is simple: failure to maintain the high standards of service by the employees of the outlet. This oversight, as a result, leads to a decrease in customer return and loss of profits. To avoid financial losses, entrepreneurs need […]

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