Александр Вебер

Alexander Weber

Specialist in video surveillance, video analytics, cloud storage systems. Consultant on the integration of video surveillance systems and tools in various business sectors. Over 10 years of industry experience.

Video analytics: work process control

Video analytics: work process control

Video analytics: work process control Modern video surveillance cameras are entrusted with the responsibility not only to ensure security, but also to collect analytics to optimize the work of commercial companies. And innovative video surveillance technologies based on a decentralized network make intelligent video analytics available to businesses of all sizes. In this article, we […]

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Maintaining lists and face recognition: new trends in video surveillance

Maintaining lists and face recognition: new trends in video surveillance

Maintaining lists and face recognition: new trends in video surveillance Most Russians imagine a video surveillance system as in films of the 90s: huge cameras are installed at the facility, and an operator monitors the situation using black-and-white monitors on the video wall. Such security systems are already in the past, although they still have […]

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Video surveillance: 5 main trends in 2020-22

Video surveillance: 5 main trends in 2020-22

Video surveillance: 5 main trends in 2020-22 Today’s video surveillance market has several growth boosters, driven by macro and microeconomic conditions and the increasing demand for public safety. In particular, in 2020-2022, investments in urban security systems, including anti-terrorist initiatives, will increase, video analytics and robotics will develop. Read about all current and future trends […]

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