Symbiosis of cloud video surveillance and mobile phones
Symbiosis of cloud video surveillance and mobile phones
Some psychologists are sounding the alarm in view of the increased role of mobile phones in the life of a modern person. Experts called the powerful dependence on this communication device nomophobia. Others make up psychological portraits (psycho types) of people depending on the model and appearance of the mobile device. Still others argue that smartphones are a great opportunity for extensive communication and security. And today we will talk about what cloud video surveillance via phone is and what its benefits are. Read on, it will be interesting.
Reasons for fusion of cloud video surveillance and mobile phones
In 2020 smartphones can easily replace a computer or laptop, having a wide range of functions. First of all, in terms of high-resolution cameras and the presence of a built-in high-speed Internet module. But the main advantage of a mobile device is that it is always at hand: at home, work, in the country, on a walk, in the car, on vacation, at a visit… That is why, in such an area as video surveillance, the use of phones has become commonplace.
Statistical summary
World statistics show that over 5.19 billion people use mobile phones. The increase for 2020 was 2.4%, which in numerical terms is equal to +124 million users. Mobile devices account for about 51% of all Internet traffic in the world.
According to a report by the research company Mediascope, which was presented in September at the RIF In the City forum, more than 67% of Russian residents use a smartphone to access the Internet.
Before the global epidemic of COVID-19, over 95 million Russians went online every day via phones. And during the self-isolation, the daily time spent on the Internet from a phone among Russians increased to 3 hours 6 minutes.
Economic reasons
Currently, analysts at Research And Markets mark the peak of the global video surveillance market. The reason is the high growth rates due to such factors:
- growing concern about public safety in the world;
- growing initiatives of governments in many countries to allocate funds for the rapid digitization and equipment of smart cities;
- large-scale integration of IP cameras and intelligent video analytics into various areas of human life;
- high technical characteristics of modern equipment (for example, clarity, image response speed);
- distribution of large capacity cloud storages.
However, it should be noted that cloud video surveillance, as a part of the Russian IT market, is in its infancy, and that is why this economic niche is practically empty.
Despite the fact that there are many players on the market, there is practically no quality product for video surveillance via smartphone, with the exception of the Faceter service.
3 disadvantages and a number of advantages of the symbiosis
Experts note that the disadvantages of the symbiosis of a mobile phone and cloud video surveillance are insignificant, namely:
- partial energy dependence (from a smartphone battery or additional power source);
- dependence on the availability and quality of Internet connection (from 3G and higher);
- need for regular payments for using the cloud. But it is noteworthy that the free cloud on a phone for storing video recordings is also available.
However, a number of advantages clearly outweigh the disadvantages. We are talking about system mobility, security and reliability of data storage, low cost of the solution, possibility of remote and family access. It is also worth noting that cloud video surveillance with a phone is a wireless system that has many advantages over wired options. Detailed information in the article “Wireless video surveillance: what it is + how to set up.”
The most striking example of public cloud video surveillance via a smartphone is the FACETER service. Website https://faceter.cam/en.
Since the end of last year (more precisely, from 21.11.2019), a fundamentally new mobile application for mass use has appeared on the Russian market. It allows you to turn two smartphones into a complete video monitoring system for home and/or business in just a few clicks.
One phone will act as a camera, broadcasting video online and sending footage to cloud storage. The second smartphone will act as a monitor that is always at hand.
Details on connecting the system are described in the article “4 steps of connecting a CCTV camera to your phone.”
The new format of interaction between mobile devices, cloud space and video surveillance has changed the global IT market. The attitude of people towards video surveillance has also changed: many have already realized that video surveillance from a phone is easy and simple.