Online video surveillance: everything you need to know
Online video surveillance: everything you need to know
Research in the field of marketing by Discovery Research Group showed that in 2019 the volume of the Russian video surveillance market increased by 19%, which amounted to 4.53 million units of goods. Also, according to the results of an assessment of the largest Russian knowledge base in the field of IT technologies, TAdviser, the average annual market growth rate is 20.5%. Last year, the number of video analytics in the country was estimated at 18 billion rubles, and in 2025 the volume is projected to increase to 51.75 billion rubles.
What is online video surveillance?
Analog video surveillance is gradually leaving the market. It is being replaced by a more modern solution – online cloud video surveillance. These are real-time video monitoring methods in which videos are stored on a cloud server. This means that to use online video surveillance, you only need Internet access, a mobile application and the corresponding equipment. For example, it can be IP cameras or a regular phone/tablet with built-in surveillance modules. Read how to turn an old smartphone into a camera here.
You can use the Faceter cloud service and control your home or business remotely. The system works online, notifies the owner of movements, recognizes faces, uses white and black lists of visitors. Install the application on your phone or tablet, and online video surveillance cameras will always be with you.
Objective necessity of video monitoring in 2020
The rapid development of the Russian video surveillance market allows each person to control their home and business. This fact is due not only to the ability to view what is happening in real time, but also to other advantages of the cloud system:
- Easy installation and configuration. In most cases, the participation of professionals is not required, the system is self-configuring.
- Multifunctionality. Online surveillance via the Internet can be used not only to monitor facilities, but also as a baby monitor, a means of tracking the work of hired personnel, to look after pets.
- Minimum costs. When installing the system, you can do with two old phones and pay for storing the archive.
- Maximum safety. The provider and the creator of the software are responsible for the security of the system and data storage, and when creating the program, all the nuances of data protection were worked out to the smallest detail.
CONCLUSION: the days of cumbersome video surveillance with complex equipment are a thing of the past. They have been replaced by simple systems that anyone can handle. Need video monitoring? Online cloud video surveillance system with the Faceter service will help you protect your property and control the behavior of employees, service personnel, children, the elderly or animals.
Areas of application
Cloud video surveillance is the best solution for solving many problems:
- protection of warehouses, restaurants, offices/organizations, entrances, housing co-ops, construction sites, shops;
- monitoring a house, territory, family members;
- stimulating work processes;
- monitoring visitors and collecting business analytics.
Modern technologies are simple, they serve as invisible helpers in many areas.
Video control over private property
Cloud video surveillance opens up endless possibilities for its owner, namely:
- watching your children. Online video surveillance cameras can be a baby monitor. Using your phone or tablet, you can always see and hear everything that happens in the room;
- supervising a nanny and other household staff. You can safely leave the house, knowing that no one will break or steal anything, and the nanny will behave accordingly;
- monitoring elderly and sick family members. If something happens, the owner will be notified. This will help provide timely assistance;
- controlling a house, plot, apartment, summer cottage. If an intruder sneaks in, the cameras will record the offense;
- watching pets. Now you will know what your pet is doing when left alone.
By installing video surveillance at home, you can control every corner of your house and be calm about family members and property.
Video control over business
Surveillance cameras with the Faceter service will become indispensable assistants and security guards who do not need rest, smoke or lunch breaks and vacations. The modern cloud video monitoring system will allow you to have control over everything 24/7:
- shops. Cameras in real time will transmit images of your employees’ work. It stimulates, controls and helps ensure safety;
- warehouses. Do you want to control the safety of your property without the cost of physical security services? Consider cloud video surveillance;
- catering establishments. Watch through your smartphone the atmosphere in the kitchen and in the dining room, the work of the staff and behavior of visitors;
- office work. Now you do not need to be at the workplace to be a deterrent and monitor employee discipline. With Faceter, you are always aware of what employees are doing in your absence;
- order at the entrance, housing co-op. Cloud video surveillance will record everything that happens around the house area, playground, entrance and parking;
- construction site. There is not always time to monitor the workers and the quality of their work, but the cloud service is always on guard for the order and safety of material values.
Not a single violation (disciplinary, legal) will pass you by if you use a modern video surveillance system.
Pricing policy
Before figuring out the final price for the installation of video surveillance, you need to understand what functions the system will perform:
- door control. Cameras are installed at entrances/exits and read faces. The system can be configured to allow certain individuals to pass and ban visitors from the black list;
- property protection. The main task of the equipment is to quickly identify violations and instantly notify the owner and relevant authorities;
- looking after house staff, children, the elderly, animals, etc. The purpose of the system is to remotely monitor what is happening via the Internet;
- general surveillance over the atmosphere indoors, outdoors. With the help of cameras, you can monitor what is happening at home, summer cottage, apartment, warehouse, etc. Video surveillance is installed in different corners of the area;
- collection of intelligent analytics. Face recognition, counting visitors, their segmentation according to certain features, maintaining lists, etc. A complete list of video analytics capabilities is located at https://faceter.cam/ru/video-analytics-capabilities.
- provision of comprehensive services.
After defining the video surveillance task, the matter of the equipment type is decided: you can install a complex system of IP video cameras, use ordinary mobile devices, or combine cameras and phones. But, regardless of the choice, a modern video monitoring system is more cost efficient than an analog one, since payment is made only for the tariff and a small amount of equipment (if necessary). You can also significantly save on calls to specialists who help with maintenance, repair and system settings.
Online cloud video surveillance is a modern and simple technology for controlling and protecting a home or business, which even an ordinary person can handle. Data from cameras is stored in the cloud and available for download. The main advantage of online video monitoring is the minimum cost of installing the system. You pay only for the equipment and the selected tariff. The result is professional video surveillance at an affordable price for everyone.