Cloud storage for video surveillance
Cloud storage for video surveillance
Results of the 2018-2020 studies showed that the size of the cloud video surveillance market is increasing every year. For example, in 2018 it was equal to 870 million rubles, in 2019 – 1.3 billion rubles, and in 2020 – 1.7 billion rubles. Based on this data, Russian leading experts predict rapid market growth by 2022. And the demand for cloud storage for video surveillance cameras, in fact, continues to grow, because this format is very convenient and easy to use. This is what our article is about.
What is cloud storage for video surveillance?
Video surveillance cloud storage is one of the leading remote control technologies, where the main focus is on the way recordings are stored. This method is considered efficient and simple as it does not require additional equipment.
In a cloud system, videos are stored on a remote service (in the cloud), which can be accessed from any geographic location, at any time, via the Internet.
How does a cloud storage system work?
The principles of cloud storage greatly facilitate the creation of a video surveillance system for household and business tasks. With the development of high-speed mobile Internet, such services began to be used everywhere, since it is not required to purchase expensive additional equipment for storing data from cameras and be responsible for storing recordings.
Operating principle
To create a security system with cloud storage, you need IP cameras or a regular smartphone. You can read more about using a phone instead of a video surveillance camera in the article: “Turning an old smartphone into a surveillance camera“.
You can view the collected data in real time through any device connected to the system, or download files remotely. However, you need to take into account the monthly costs of the Internet and selected tariff.
Another important point. Cloud video monitoring services do not require additional resources to update the system: everything happens automatically, without user intervention. Also, the user is not obliged to comply with the legal principles of data storage: the service provider is.
Working with a cloud video monitoring service is similar to interacting with YouTube: users can access the content anytime, anywhere, using any device. Only in the case of surveilling a facility, content is a live broadcast or recordings from cameras.
Additionally, cloud storage has other benefits:
- downloading system updates in automatic mode;
- simple equipment setup that can be handled by a user without specialists. For example, the Faceter security system is installed in just 15-20 minutes, providing a professional level of security;
- autonomous search for “weak” points in the security system;
- lack of additional equipment;
- high level of data protection in the cloud, since all information is compressed and encrypted;
- ability to use the system at home or for business.
More information can be found in the articles: “Cloud video surveillance for your store: 9 advantages” and “Cloud video surveillance for your home: TOP-5 advantages“;
- notifications in case of security breach;
- lack of obligations for the safety of data and compliance with current legislation in the area.
Cloud video surveillance has drawbacks, although they are not so significant:
- access to the service is subscription-based, the system can be disabled in case of missing payment;
- cost of services may increase;
- video surveillance works via the Internet, which means you need a stable connection;
- need for regular payments for data storage. But there is an exception: the Mobile tariff from the Faceter service, you can learn more about the tariffs here.
Conclusion: cloud video surveillance is the best option for those who want to provide video control over their home or business without unnecessary costs and efforts.
Signs of an optimal cloud service
Faceter is the best example of cloud storage. It is not just a cloud service for collecting videos. It is a full-fledged, multifunctional system: it recognizes faces, analyzes the situation in real time for security breaches and notifies about events, is able to search for people and create white and black lists of visitors. The system is great for both business and home.
Faceter for home:
- control over the work and behavior of service staff;
- protection of material values, items and safes;
- control over the territory of a private household;
- baby monitor with high quality image and microphone;
- surveillance of pets, elderly and sick family members.
Faceter for business:
- ensuring the safety of employees;
- monitoring compliance with safety regulations;
- monitoring the atmosphere in the office, shop, restaurant;
- quality control of working hours;
- additional motivation for employees to follow the established service rules, improving the quality of service;
- protection of storages, warehouses, construction sites;
- monitoring entrances and territory of housing co-ops;
- providing extensive intelligent analytics.
CONCLUSION: a cloud service is an objective assistant that does not need a day off, smoke break, snack, salary and regular vacations. The service will provide you with control over facilities in real time via remote access. You can control the order at home and business from anywhere in the world.
Summing up
In 2020, cloud video surveillance is gaining momentum. It’s all about ease of installation and use. Also, when connecting a cloud service, you do not need to purchase or rent additional equipment to set up control in the chosen place: you only need a couple of smartphones or IP-cameras. Check out the cloud formats of the Faceter service, which include the optimal set of functions for home and business.