Video surveillance in hotels: expert opinion
Video surveillance in hotels: expert opinion
As to places with a large crowd of people, special security requirements are imposed on hotels, regardless of their “star rating”. At the same time, most of the requirements have ceased to be recommendations: they are formalized at the legislative level. Let’s deal with the question of what is video surveillance in a hotel, from the point of view of an expert.
Importance of video surveillance in a hotel
Statistics show that the average capacity of a small hotel is 6,000 people a month. Each of the visitors has valuables/money with them. Often there are cases of alcohol abuse, trauma and conflict situations. Unfortunately, there are always risks of damage to property and health of guests.
Therefore, the main tasks of the hotel owners are:
- ensuring the safety of guests;
- safety of inventory items;
- support of law and order.
In addition, hotel video surveillance systems are important in order to improve the quality of service. This is why many hotels use video analytics surveillance.
What does the law say?
The fundamental law in the issue of video surveillance in hotels, as public facilities with a massive stay of people (more than 50), is the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 272 (September 25, 2015).
The purpose of the Resolution is to provide anti-terrorist security measures.
According to clause 24, chapter IV of this decree, all hotels must be equipped with a video surveillance, lighting and warning/evacuation control system.
The main condition for video surveillance is the presence of continuous video surveillance and storage of video materials for at least 30 days. For these purposes, a cloud storage method is suitable.
IMPORTANT POINT: it is strictly forbidden to use hidden video surveillance in hotels. Informational announcements (“video surveillance is being conducted”) should indicate the presence of video filming. A hidden video camera in a hotel is a direct path to criminal liability.
Places that require video monitoring
Mandatory control is required:
- hotel perimeter (mandatory): entrances/exits, parking, technical rooms;
- reception and checkout area, where the main contact between visitors and the administrator takes place;
- entrance/exit and entrance to the storage room;
- stairs and corridors;
- catering area, in particular a food distribution and cash service area, as well as a bar;
- kitchen in order to prevent theft of products by personnel;
- children’s area (if available, mandatory);
- pool/water park (if available, mandatory).
It is advisable to use different equipment depending on the objectives of surveillance and installation locations:
- network cameras (IP) for the purpose of obtaining high quality images and remote monitoring capabilities;
- anti-vandal cameras (outdoor, along the perimeter of the institution, on the ground floors and halls);
- panoramic cameras. In those places where it is required to monitor large areas and install multiple cameras, you can get by with 1-2 PTZ cameras. Read the article “Panoramic cameras. 6 advantages and 4 disadvantages“;
- wireless night surveillance cameras. Details here.
We recommend using software from an international company called Faceter. In addition to traditional video surveillance functions, Faceter provides opportunities for solving business problems through the implementation of intelligent video analytics.
Faceter software has intelligence, vision and hearing, which provides undeniable benefits for business. Our system provides:
- face recognition (up to 99.8% accuracy);
- maintaining lists (black and white);
- quick notifications about events;
- searching for data in the database by photo;
- monitoring the hotel staff in detail and minute by minute;
- keeping track of the time spent by employees with each client;
- read the emotions of visitors while communicating with staff;
- build heat maps.
Contact Faceter specialists and they will select a personal solution for your business, taking into account your goals and preferences.
A hotel without video cameras violates the current legislation of the Russian Federation. We are talking about the anti-terrorist protection of facilities and their visitors. In addition, in this case, the hotel management endangers the property, health and lives of its guests.
That is why special attention is paid to the video surveillance system in hotels. Experts recommend installing solutions that address complex security and marketing challenges. Faceter is such a solution.