Biometrics versus passwords. Evolution of video security systems
Biometrics versus passwords. Evolution of video security systems
Biometrics or Password? According to Gartner statistics, by 2022, more than 50% of the largest companies in the world will move away from passwords. For example, Microsoft and UK banks are already using Face ID authentication.
This article will look at the percentage of the impact of biometrics on business security in Russia.
The problem of forgotten passwords
Forgotten passwords cause a lot of inconvenience to companies:
- They need to be constantly renewed.
- New ones must be invented.
- Everything must be remembered.
This is ineffective and very risky because it is elementary to steal lost data.
Security is the goal of biometrics
According to statistics from Verizon Data Breach, in 2020 alone, out of 41,690 incidents, 29% were associated with stolen passwords and logins. This means that leaving the credentials system is necessary as part of the business security issue.
Biometric identification will protect the company 100% only when all passwords are removed from the system. Because their presence, even in the background, does not exclude the possibility of theft.
On the other hand, Biometric data cannot be stolen and entered into the system because the information needs to be transformed into a physical object to trigger the reader. That is, the attacker must make a cast of a person’s hand or use his eye, as in the films, stunning the employee with it. As you can imagine, this is not the most convenient and realistic way to cheat technology.
But even in the event of deception, the system will record this and include additional protection measures. For example, the technology of the “live user”, when it is required that a person scans his fingers or blinks.
Other benefits
The biometric reader has another advantage that is not related to the security issue. Identifying users through facial recognition is more manageable, both for employees and for the company.
For example, you don’t need:
- remember multiple passwords;
- change them in case of data loss;
- carry passes with you;
- come up with passwords for new employees every time.
Biometrics works easier: you need to enter the employee’s database once, and that’s it. And in case of his dismissal, remove the information.
The intelligence and vision of your camcorder
An ordinary camera is not suitable for a biometric system; you need a “smart” device to read and analyze information. For example, video surveillance from Faceter based on cloud technology.
Our service is capable of:
- faces recognition and lists maintenance with customizable notifications;
- the time of arrival and departure of the employee from the workplace calculation;
- the day specification by the minute;
- notifying in case of violations detection;
- controlling the quality of service.
Thanks to its extensive capabilities, the video surveillance system from Faceter will cover the needs not only in biometrics but also in monitoring the work of personnel.
Read more about the capabilities of the service here.
Topic conclusions
Attackers will not stop stealing passwords because it is effective and gives the expected results. The only option for protecting a business in 2021 is the transition to personal biometric identification. When all companies switch to this technology, the world will be closer to 100% information security.