Cloud video surveillance for restaurants: you should know about it
Cloud video surveillance for restaurants: you should know about it
Due to the development of the global video surveillance market, the life of Russians has also changed: video cameras have become a part of our daily life. They can be found everywhere: in transport and on the roads, in shops and shopping centers, on the streets, in offices and restaurants. Today I want to talk about how to install and use modern methods of video monitoring in restaurants without violating the rights and interests of visitors and employees, as well as about the promising capabilities of restaurant video monitoring systems.
Video surveillance in the restaurant and legislation
Before installing video surveillance for a cafe, restaurant and other places of public catering, the owner should be aware that the issue of installing cameras in public places is regulated by a number of legislative acts. These include:
- Criminal Code of the Russian Federation;
- Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;
- Code of Administrative Procedure and the Federal Law “On Operational-Investigative Activities” (in situations where cameras record unlawful actions);
- Federal Law “On Personal Data”;
- regional legal documents.
IMPORTANT: in the current Russian legal framework, there is no document (normative act, decree, resolution) that would regulate the matter of video monitoring in public places.
You might think that the owner of a restaurant with surveillance cameras needs to be afraid because of the Federal Law “On Personal Data”, but this is not so. The fact is that the use of video monitoring systems to control the situation and recognizing a person based on their biometric data are different legal procedures. Therefore, in order not to violate the rights of restaurant employees, as well as the interests of visitors, in the premises where video surveillance is conducted, you need to place a notice about filming.
Modern video monitoring for a restaurant
Quality control of employees’ work has always been an important task for the owners of establishments. If earlier this function was performed by other people (which doesn’t always guarantee success), today they can be replaced with modern cloud video surveillance for a restaurant.
Security cameras will become a 24-hour security guard who does not need rest and salary. You no longer need special servers, bulky computers and other expensive equipment.
Today, a full-fledged video surveillance for a restaurant can fit in 2 ordinary smartphones. Do you want to know how? Read our two articles “4 steps of connecting a CCTV camera to your phone” and “What to do with an old smartphone: 5 examples of useful applications”.
And if you need to control large areas, then you can use modern IP cameras and/or integrated systems with IP cameras and mobile phones/tablets. Detailed information is located at https://faceter.cam/ru.
Video surveillance functions for public catering
By installing cloud video surveillance in a restaurant and other catering establishments, you can solve the following tasks:
- quality control of employees’ work, improving discipline, encouraging quality performance of work duties;
- accounting of working hours, as well as control over the implementation of safety measures and technological processes;
- prevention and immediate suppression of disturbances and fraud in the dining rooms and kitchen;
- ability to objectively find out the course of events in conflict situations, to identify the culprit of illegal actions;
Of course, with the correct selection of employees and organization of work, many unpleasant situations can be avoided or reduced. But the sheer presence of video surveillance cameras in a restaurant minimizes the chance of negative moments – this is an ordinary psychological effect.
Advantages of video monitoring for public catering from the Faceter service
Choosing cloud video surveillance for a restaurant with the Faceter service, you get the following benefits:
- monitoring 24/7 in real time;
- safety of the collected video analytics in the cloud from 2 days to an unlimited period. This allows you to protect information from accidental or intentional loss;
- no need for additional expenses for the purchase and installation of expensive equipment. You only need a few phones or tablets to connect to the service;
- reasonable prices. You can check out the Faceter tariffs here;
- remote control and monitoring;
- quick notifications about important events in real time, based on the settings. Faceter is equipped with the function of face recognition, as well as creating white and black lists of visitors;
- downloading and viewing of data at any time;
- maximum protection of video recordings.
But the most important advantage of cloud video surveillance for a restaurant, in our opinion, is the ease of the installation process, which includes only 3 stages:
- Determination of surveillance goals to identify the parameters of the future system.
- Planning and execution of the terms of reference, taking into account your financial capabilities and objectives of surveillance.
- Installing the system. If you choose to use mobile devices instead of professional IP cameras, then you can do without specialists.
Nowadays, there is an opinion that video surveillance is not required for restaurants. Very few food service owners choose to install cameras, and this is a huge mistake. Modern cloud video surveillance for a cafe is distinguished by simple methods and low financial costs, with the help of which it is possible to solve the problems of disciplinary violations, poor-quality work, and misappropriation of material values. Indeed, instead of expensive equipment, you can use a phone or tablet with an installed application. Install video surveillance in your restaurant and stay ahead of your competitors.