Video surveillance repair. Common problems and 5 sources of breakdown
Any equipment, either simple or complex, eventually needs repairing. It is also true for video surveillance systems. Considering its functionality and the tasks performed, you need to have the surveillance system repaired promptly and efficiently. Otherwise, you cannot avoid serious problems in matters of the security of the monitored object. Possible problems with the equipment and its repair are discussed in this article.
Repair algorithm
Repair of video surveillance has its own sequence of actions. There are three main processes:
- Initial inspection. Its implementation allows you to determine the likely errors in the operation of the entire system (possibly made during installation) and existing malfunctions of the equipment.
- Diagnostics. Analysis of the technical condition of equipment and line, disassembly of all defective parts of the system.
- Repair. Replacing or repairing parts that do not work, reassembling already working parts and putting the entire mechanism into operation.
Common video surveillance system problems
What kinds of problems in a video surveillance system make repairs necessary? There are numerous reasons. Let’s highlight the main ones which most often lead to the need for urgent video surveillance cameras repair:
- Errors during installation of the video surveillance system.
- Manufacturing defects. In particular, a big deal of problems occurs with equipment purchased from Aliexpress.
- Incorrect usage process.
- Adverse weather conditions.
- Intentional damage to the equipment.
How to save on maintenance
At the beginning of a video surveillance system usage often nobody thinks about the fact that it would be good to budget an item of expenditure for maintenance of video surveillance equipment. Well, you should.
To avoid malfunction and failure of the surveillance system you need to carry out periodic preventive maintenance of possible damage to the equipment. It is likely to need upgrading, refurbishment, and additional adjustments.
It may not be possible to avoid the need for video surveillance system maintenance in most cases. But it is possible to save significantly on this service.
There are certain rules, following which it becomes possible to get efficient operation of equipment and spend much less on alterations and maintenance. These include choosing quality equipment under warranty, the right approach to the project, professional installation and configuration, and training employees to work correctly with the system.
Read more about the rules in this article about maintenance.
However, if you choose network cameras and modern software like Faceter with automatic updates, the cost and hassle will be much less.
The easiest video surveillance option
Life presents situations where there is an urgent need for personal video surveillance or a temporary installation. This brings with it a whole host of concerns and expenses: correct choice of a camera model, installing it and configuring it correctly, and paying the installer. And if the equipment fails or malfunctions during operation, the total cost increases. You can read about the complete list of expenses for a home monitoring system in this article.
What if you don’t want to spend money on video surveillance repair and maintenance?
There’s a great way to minimize the cost of installing and operating a video surveillance system. Use two old smartphones and a free Faceter mobile app. One smartphone acts as a camcorder, the other one as a monitor, and the app becomes the software.
An Apple iPhone with iOS 10 or higher or any smartphone with a camera and an Android 5.0 or higher operating system is suitable for installing a video surveillance system. You can choose any tariff for service. Tariffs from 0 rubles are available.
Potential users of video surveillance systems most commonly find the subject complicated from all angles: selection, installation, further maintenance during operation, and, as a result, considerable financial expenses. Faceter removes these issues by providing the mass user with a simple application, automatic updates, and clear settings.