What is lightning protection for video cameras? 4 factors for installation
Power surges caused by thunderstorms can destroy the entire surveillance system. Therefore, it is recommended to install lightning protection for outdoor cameras. This article will tell you more about how you can protect video surveillance and how to install a special device properly.
Cases where thunderstorm protection is necessary
Thunderstorms and lightning are unpredictable. Even if a lightning rod is installed on your territory, this is not a 100% guarantee against power surges in the video monitoring system. As a result, overvoltage can:
- burn out camera, recorder;
- burn out blocks and power lines;
- delete information from the data archive.
IMPORTANT: lightning protection for video cameras will not prevent lightning from striking equipment and cables but will protect it from power surges in the system.
The device is needed when CCTV is installed for outdoor monitoring. It is exposed to harmful factors every day: precipitation, low/high temperatures, the appearance of condensation, etc. Therefore, the installation of an external system must be done responsibly.
Rules for choosing a lightning protection device
Lightning protection for video surveillance must be selected, depending on the type of system, to protect:
- power grids. The decisive factor is the current strength and voltage indicators. Some protection devices on the market can operate on direct current, while others can rely on alternating current.
- management. For example, for comprehensive protection, it is recommended to install the device on the central processor of the control system;
- signal lines. The lightning protection module will guarantee a constant passive level of surveillance protection along the entire signal path.
For the outdoor equipment to be as protected as possible, please place it in a thermal casing to protect the system from low and high temperatures. Read more in the article “How to choose a thermo housing? 5 expert tips ”.
Pros of lightning protection:
- easy installation;
- the small size of the module;
- provides reliable protection for all wiring and the equipment itself.
Ready module
The module should be selected according to the type of transmission signals of the system. It guarantees constant monitoring of the lines.
In the event of a power surge, the device will redirect the entire shock to itself and its fuses. Thus, ensuring the protection of video surveillance. But you need to know that lightning protection will be more functional only if the entire system is grounded.
4 factors to consider during installation
Installation (high-quality / low-quality) can either extend the service life of video surveillance or reduce it. Therefore, before installing lightning protection, you need to know some rules:
- It is necessary to ground the system using cables with the maximum cross-section and install protection not only on the recorder but also near each port.
- It is best to lay the cables as short as possible.
- Use a shielded wire and ground only from the side of the lightning protection.
- Do not ground the DVR case over the wire shielding.
- After the protection has tripped, you must replace the fuses.
And in order not to spend extra money on the installation and maintenance of the system, read our articles:
- “TOP-8 ways to save money on video surveillance installation in 2021”;
- “Maintenance of video surveillance systems. 7 rules for saving”.
Do you want not to worry about video monitoring every thunderstorm? Set up protection and have peace of mind about the power supply and the safety of your videos. Also, remember to replace the fuses after each system operation.