7 main postulates of video surveillance for construction sites
7 main postulates of video surveillance for construction sites
Do you want to deliver construction projects on time, efficiently and without unnecessary hassle? You need innovative construction site video surveillance. And the key point I would like to emphasize is precisely the word “innovative”, which means an up-to-date, ultra-precise and mobile solution. Let’s talk about the 7 main postulates of building a video surveillance system for a construction site. Read on.
Goals and objectives of video monitoring
The days when the construction site was guarded by one watchman with a whistle and gun are over. It was replaced by video surveillance, which has also undergone many changes in recent years. After all, the analog system has practically sunk into oblivion, giving way to modern cloud services with integrated intelligent video analytics.
Surveillance of a site and the surrounding area is carried out in order to ensure the safety of the facility, inventory and to control the work of personnel.
What tasks can modern video surveillance of construction sites solve?
- Control over observance of safety measures and implementation of regulations.
- Monitoring of work efficiency.
- Control of work discipline.
- Prevention of unauthorized entry into the facility under surveillance.
- Prevention of unlawful acts by employees (theft, substitution of materials).
- Recording and notification of emergency situations, including industrial accidents.
- Resolution of controversial, conflict situations.
- Control of delivery, loading/unloading of materials (quantity and quality).
- Implementation of access control.
- Providing information on the progress of construction to the interested parties (investors, clients, supervisory authorities), including remotely.
7 main postulates of video surveillance at a construction site
Video surveillance at a construction site has a number of features:
- Need for surveillance of moving objects.
- Mobility of the system, since convenient camera placement points may lose their relevance.
- Availability of a secure place for a video recorder.
- Need for round-the-clock online surveillance. Learn more in the article “Online video surveillance: everything you need to know“.
- Practical impossibility of using wireless equipment and Wi-Fi (due to power equipment and interference).
- Importance of multilevel access to cameras and video archives.
- Compliance with regulatory requirements for equipping construction sites with video surveillance (federal and regional law).
Where should the cameras be installed?
For effective operation of a video surveillance system, you should install cameras in the following places:
- entries/exits;
- construction site;
- material loading/unloading area;
- storage area.
Innovative video surveillance format
Today we need an innovative video surveillance system. It is expensive and impractical to use outdated models based on analog equipment. Only innovative systems are able to provide the user with a set of advantages, such as:
- reliability and safety;
- mobility and scalability;
- general availability and ease of installation, configuration;
- cost-efficiency and dynamic pricing;
- intelligent options.
Why Faceter?
A video surveillance system based on the Faceter service is a simple, reliable and objective assistant that works 24/7.
Service advantages:
- Connection to any cameras, including cameras of mobile devices, united into a single system.
- Convenient online viewing and/or video archive on any device.
- Availability of sharing.
- Maximum data protection.
- Reliable storage of data in the cloud. The volume and storage period of data is limited only by the tariff plan.
- Instant notifications about events at the construction site, according to the settings.
- Opportunities for introducing intelligent analytics into the system (face recognition, maintaining lists (VIP/black list)).
CONCLUSION: video surveillance from the international company Faceter provides the construction business with a competitive advantage, forms a new level of customer/investor confidence and ensures the safety of material assets. Moreover, the system itself is extremely simple and intuitive even for a child. Get familiar with the service by reading the article “Analysis of the Faceter smart surveillance system: in simple words about complex matters“.
Modern methods of video surveillance help to track the flow of visitors, access the data archive in case of disputable/conflict situations and promptly respond to the situation. In most cases, construction site video surveillance is predictive.