Watch out! 7 unexpected places with hidden video surveillance
The installation of CCTV cameras is strictly regulated by Russian law. Violation of the laws is punishable by a fine and criminal liability. However, there are places where video surveillance is not obvious but is present. This article looks at what covert CCTV is and where it can be found.
Big Brother is watching everyone
Yes, we are under surveillance. Covert cameras and video surveillance with recording are all attributes of round-the-clock security measures. But is everything so unambiguous?
You have to admit it’s not very pleasant to know that you are being inconsiderately watched. Let’s try to get to the bottom of this.
What is covert video surveillance?
Covert surveillance is the covert collection of information with the help of special equipment. A covert wireless micro camera may be camouflaged in/under a household item and have the ability to film in poor light. The entrance pupil is taken out (PIN-HOLE).
Cameras in the alarms, door peepholes, and cameras mounted on the wall or ceiling are not considered hidden, as they are not household items, but a part of the building.
But don’t be overconfident and rush to mount a video camera on the ceiling. It’s not that simple. The punishment for illegal use of a tiny camera is pretty hefty: a couple hundred thousand RUB fine and a few years in jail. Do you need it?
7 unexpected places with cameras
Total video surveillance has been installed in many public places and beyond. Here are the TOP-7 places where no one would expect to be caught by CCTV.
- Cashpoint. This is a necessary protection measure against fraudsters if the camera is installed by the bank. But when the camera is installed by the fraudsters themselves to get the cardholder’s details, they must be aware of the possible consequences.
Read the article “Video surveillance in banks“.
- School bus and public transport. The camera allows you to provide additional passenger security as well as monitor the onboard situation.
Read ‘Video surveillance in transport‘.
- Elevator. Large offices, shopping centers, and apartment buildings often have elevators equipped with video surveillance cameras.
A great deal of useful information is in the article “13 effective elevator safety tips. Elevator camera”.
- Traffic lights. Road safety is a pressing issue. A traffic light CCTV camera can be invaluable in investigating accidents.
- A private clinic. Or rather, a camera in a patient ward. This allows you to monitor the patient in order to protect their safety and maintain health. But the thought of being constantly monitored brings no fun at all.
- Laptop. IT community geniuses create viruses capable of activating a laptop’s camera without any approval from the owner.
- Flats for rent and hotel rooms. Yes, there are precedents for this. But fortunately, not every rented flat or hotel is equipped with a hidden surveillance camera because it is against the law. But nevertheless when checking in these kinds of temporary accommodations, pay close attention to the smoke detectors, paintings or clocks on the wall, and other similar items.
The article “4 ways to find a hidden camera. What to do if I found it?” is for you.

How to set up home surveillance for hired staff
We all have the need to stay calm for the safety of our relatives when we’re not around. Installing home surveillance can help with this.
This is not the only purpose for which surveillance is demanded in a flat, or home. Covert cameras and video surveillance with recording for the home are becoming more and more relevant to the issue of monitoring the work of hired personnel when the owner is not present.
Video surveillance allows you to monitor the process and quality of work, if it is a makeover, cleaning a flat, or building a house. And if you have invited a babysitter for your child, then video monitoring will keep you informed about the caregiver’s behavior and attitude towards your child.
A mandatory condition in the contract with the hired staff will be that the employee is notified of the installed video surveillance.
Video surveillance in today’s world has greatly facilitated the ability to provide security in many different areas of human activity. However, it should not be forgotten that all surveillance must be carried out within the limits of the law.